Tuesday, May 10, 2011

CD-France, Britain, and Woman's Rights in the 1790s

 This article explains the beginning of the fight that women made for their rights. Women began to think and to realize that if men have all these rights, they should be treated equal and also have these same rights as men do. Boycotts and revolutions broke out which at first seemed unsuccessful. It was not until Mary Wollstonecraft’s book was published that some men began to take notice. This book was republished several different times in America, and some men did begin to agree that women should have equal rights as men.  Although no immediate action was taken, these events that happened at this time led way for a new generation that would also begin to fight for their rights.
Why did it take so long for women to actually gain the equality that they wanted?
What reasons did the people have against women’s rights in this time period?
Why should women be treated any differently than men?

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