Monday, April 18, 2011

Text Analysis: Preface to the Frame of Government of Pennsylvania

William Penn provides his interesting perspecitve on how the government of Pennsylvania should function. He begins by stating that god has given the power tand ability to men to justly rule. He believes that if a man can love and live his life with intergrity then just laws will have no power over him because he will already be living by those laws. Penn clarifys by stating that "every soul shall be subject to higher powers, for there is no power but of god." He thinks that mankind only have need for higher power to recieve the consequeces of their choices and to continue living those just laws; which are also the reasons that men need a government over them. However, Penn also states that a government cannot have to much power of they would begin to abuse that power that has been given to them. A government must set a frame of laws that the people must obey and beneath those laws he believes that the people should be free to make their own choices. He states that "liberty without obedience is confusion, and obedience without liberty is slavery."
Penn had a great hope in the people of Pennsylvania. Through his writing I felt the great compassion and trust that he had in the people around him. He believed that as long as theycontinued to live by those good virtues that god told them to live by, their government would be successful and their nation would be a peacful place. At the same time he did caution the people on the mistakes that could still be made. He expressed that if the people continued to be good the government, but if one began making decisions that were against the laws made by god then it would result in a corrupt society.